Mission: London
Novel 2006, Residenz Verlag, St. Pölten-Salzburg, Austria Translator: Alexander Sitzmann German more
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Palaveevi sisters
The Second World War is raging, and the Bulgarian society is torn by sharp civil conflicts. Two girls from a…
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Droga to Syracuz
Short stories 2007, Skriptum, Krakow Polish The book combines two earlier collections of short stories by Alek Popov: “Nasty Dreams”…
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Мисиja Лондон
(Mission London)
Novel 2006, Prosvetno Delo&Detska Radost, Skopie Translator: Alexandar Prokopiev Macedonian
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Mission Londres
2006, Editions Alvik, Paris Translator: Marie Vrinat-Nikolov French
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Russisches E-mail
Short stories 2005, Sukultur, Berlin Translator: Alexander Sitzmann German
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Londoni küldetes
(Mission London)
Novel 2005, Kijarat Kiado, Budapest Translator: Petar Krasztev Hungarian
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Мисиja Лондон
(Mission London)
Novel 2004, Geopoetica, Belgrade Serbian BANICA AND GLAMOUR Alek Popov is one of the most well known contemporary Bulgarian writers.…
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