Missiya London
(Mission London)
A tale of diplomatic disaster based on true experience… ”If you like the greats of British Political satire television you…
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Palaveevi sisters
The Second World War is raging, and the Bulgarian society is torn by sharp civil conflicts. Two girls from a…
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Mythologia na Prehoda
(Mythology of Transition)
Selected stories 2006, Zacharii Stoyanov, Sofia Collection of selected short stories from previous books introducing the theme of Transition from…
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Palen kurs za naprednali
(Full Curse for Advanced)
Selected Stories 2007, Ciela, Sofia Collection of selected short stories featuring books such as Nasty Dreams, The Cabbage Cycle, The…
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By Alek Popov From dog walker to millionaire, from millionaire to dropout: two brothers from Bulgaria seek their fortune in…
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Spatnik na Radikalnia Mislitel
(The Radical Thinker’s Companion)
Collection of essays 2005, BTA, Bulgarian News Agency More than 40 essays published in the press during the last seven…
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Nivo za naprednali (Advanced level)
Short stories 2002, Zvezdan, Sofia 2003, Abagar, Sofia The stories in this book fall into two sections: Advanced level and…
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Patyat kum Syrakuza
(The way to Syracuse)
Collection of short stories 1998, Bulgarska Sbirka, Literaturen Forum, Sofia Out of Print
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Igra na magii
(Games of Magic)
Novels 1995, Hemus Publishing House & Otechestvo, Sofia Collection of tree novellas: The Savior, The Mysterious Truck and The Soul…
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Mrasni sanishta
(Nasty Dreams)
short stories 1994, Reporter, Sofia Book based on the Black Collection published originally in the first Bulgarian private newspaper after…
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Drugata smart
(The Other Death)
short stories
1992, Mladez Publishing House, Sofia This is the début book of Alek Popov. Out of print
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Zelevijat tsikal
(The Cabbage Cycle)
Collection of short stories 1997, Anubis Publishing House, Sofia, Bulgaria Out of Print
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